Our Campaign
RPC is Calling for a Rural Electric Cooperative Energy System that:
The needs of the people come first. We demand all RECs annual member meetings be truly transparent by democratizing election practices to be as equitable and accessible as possible for all member-owners.
Decarbonize our future. Create a plan for a clean energy transition to replace fossil fuel generating sources with clean energy projects, programs, and investments in new technologies such as EVs, storage, broadband, and fuel switching.
Open up federal renewable energy tax credits to include rural electric cooperative projects.
Ensure flexible billing arrangements on electricity and broadband service so that debt is not accruing for member-owners that cannot afford them.
Rural communities deserve the option to access all money-saving efficiency, renewable energy, and electrification upgrades to reduce the burden of our energy costs, especially in underserved communities with high poverty rates spanning decades.

Big Win:
Congress included substantial funding & support for RECs in the Inflation Reduction Act!
Through diligent advocacy and lobbying work around the Inflation Reduction Act, the Rural Power Coalition and other rural advocates helped win the biggest investment for rural electrification in US history. As a coalition working to elevate rural communities as leaders of a just and clean energy transition, we applaud these necessary investments into rural electric cooperatives and member-owners.
Key provisions in the IRA include:
$9.7 Billion Dollars of USDA Assistance for Electric Cooperatives for a voluntary program for rural electric cooperatives to make investments in renewable energy.
$1 Billion Dollars in additional funding to cover the cost of loans related to Renewable Energy.
A direct pay option for clean energy tax credits to allow electric co-ops to be eligible. This would level the playing field for electric co-ops by allowing them to receive clean energy incentives just like private utilities.
Rural Power Coalition Policy Platform
Thanks to the work of coalition partners and champions in Congress, we earned over $10 Billion downpayment in the Inflation Reduction Act! Now we need another $90 Billion in federal investments through grants and loan forgiveness to bring rural communities into the ongoing clean energy transition. These conditions would facilitate the retirement of all coal plants currently in operation and potentially all outstanding electric cooperative debt in exchange for new investment in clean energy, distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, high-speed broadband, storage, and electric transportation with new loans at U.S. Treasury rates. Learn more about why we need $100 billion in debt relief.
What we accomplished through the Inflation Reduction Act
Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, for the first time ever Rural Electric Cooperatives (REC’s) will be eligible for the tax credits that have driven forward the clean energy transition across the country. REC’s will now be able to accept these incentives in the form of direct payments as they are non taxable entities.
Further leveling the playing field for cooperatives
Other utilities and businesses are allowed to combine tax credits with relevant government programs to cover the cost of a project. In order to truly “level the playing field” between cooperatives and other businesses they should be treated the same. Direct Payments to REC’s in lieu of tax credits should follow the same standards and be allowed to combine tax credits. (For example: PTC/ITC, Justice40 Energy Community bonus, w/ REAP).
Comprehensively address the energy affordability crisis in rural America by continuing our nation's commitment to upgrade everyone.
Many people cannot afford the upfront cost for energy upgrades to homes and buildings that will generate value for the utility and its members-owners by saving money and enhancing energy resilience. Further federal support will allow electric cooperatives to more readily implement inclusive utility investment for these upgrades on terms that provide consumer protection and long term energy savings for participating members. All Americans should be able to upgrade and save money through programs such as the Pay As You Save system that are already demonstrated by more than a dozen electric cooperatives in Kansas, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
There are many existing programs critical to the rural energy transition that deserve ongoing and increased resources to create rural jobs, reduce costs for rural families, and act on the climate crisis.
Among them are:
Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP)
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Treasury Rate Loan Program, which also capitalizes the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Loan Program (EECLP)
In order to maximize both economic and climate impacts, new investments must be implemented with strong attention to racial and environmental justice, which requires a robust process for public input. Following the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, rural communities came together around the country to electrify their homes and businesses. For the United States’ energy transition in the 21st century to be successful, rural communities must once again be empowered to determine the future of their energy system. As such, the USDA should deliver on President Biden’s whole-of-government approach by adopting the Department of Energy’s procedures for community engagement, as outlined by Dr. Tony Reams in their Justice 40 kickoff webinar on August 17th.
Our Partners
With appreciation to the organizations who have endorsed our campaign and/or Letters to Congress
350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley
Agoura Hills, California
350 New Hampshire
Dover, New Hampshire
350 Spokane
Spokane, Washington
350 Triangle
Raleigh, North Carolina
AES Solar
Carterville, Illinois
Agricultural Missions, Inc.
New York, New York
Alabama Interfaith Power & Light
Birmingham, Alabama
Alliance for a Green Economy
Syracuse, New York
Alliance for Appalachia
London, Kentucky
American Youth for Climate Action
Appalachian Voices
Arkansas Valley Coalition for a Sustainable Energy Future
Buena Vista, Colorado
Atlantic Climate Justice Alliance
Somerset, New Jersey
Call to Action Colorado
Lakewood, Colorado
National / Lakewood CO
Center for Biological Diversity
Washington DC
Center for Coalfield Justice
Washington, Pennsylvania
Center for Common Ground
Ruther Glen, Virginia
Center for Rural Affairs
Lyons, Nebraska
Center for Rural Strategies
Whitesburg, Kentucky
Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance (CIHCA)
Peoria, Illinois
Centro De Trabajadores Unidos
Chicago, Illinois
Atlanta, Georgia
Christians for the Mountains
Dunmore, West Virginia
Citizens Alliance for a Sustainable Englewood
Englewood, Colorado
Clean Energy Action
Boulder, Colorado
Cleveland Owns
Cleveland, Ohio
Climate and Community Project
San Francisco, California
Climate Justice Alliance
Climate Reality Project, Atlanta Chapter
Atlanta, Georgia
Climate Reality Project, Capital Region NY Chapter
Albany, New York
Climate Reality Project, Long Island Chapter
Long Island, New York
Climate Reality Project, Western NY Chapter
Buffalo/Rochester, New York
Cleveland Owns
Cleveland, Ohio
Coal River Mountain Watch
Naoma, WV
Collective Power
Oakland, California
Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate
Lakewood, Colorado
Colorado Democratic Party Energy & Environment Initiative
Lakewood, Colorado
Colorado Physicians for Social Responsibility
Lafayette, Colorado
Community Action Works
Montpelier, Vermont
Communities for Local Power
Kingston, New York
Community Farm Alliance
Berea, Kentucky
Community Food and Justice Coalition
Oakland, California
Community For Sustainable Energy
Fort Collins, Colorado
Cooperative Development Institute
Northampton, Massachusetts
Cooperative Energy Futures
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Croatan Institute
Durham, North Carolina
CURE (Clean Up the River Environment)
Montevideo, Minnesota
Dakota Resource Council
Bismarck, North Dakota
Dakota Rural Action
Brookings, South Dakota
Democracy 365
Jackson, Mississippi
Earth Action, Inc.
Pensacola, Florida
Earth Ethics, Inc.
Pensacola, Florida
Ebony Suns Enterprises LLC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Eco-Justice Collaborative
Champaign, Illinois
Duluth, Minnesota
Elders Climate Action
Chicago, Illinois
Energy Alabama
Huntsville, Alabama
Evergreen Action
Seattle, Washington
Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition
Fairbanks, Alaska
Family Farm Defenders
Madison, Wisconsin
Farm Aid
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fossil Free Tompkins
Ithaca, New York
Franciscan Action Network
Washington, DC
Georgia Conservation Voters
Atlanta, Georgia
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light
Decatur, Georgia
Georgia WAND
Atlanta/Burke County, Georgia
Good Solar
North Carolina
Greater Highland Area Concerned Citizens
Highland, Illinois
New York
GRID Alternatives
Ground In Common
Livingston, Montana
Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition
Saint Helena Island
Harambee House
Savannah, Georgia
Highlander Research & Education Center
New Market, Tennessee
Hometown Action
Honor the Earth
Callaway, Minnesota
Hood to the Holler
Louisville, Kentucky
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program
Washington DC
International Student Environmental Coalition
Los Angeles, California
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
Des Moines, Iowa
Jewish Climate Action Network
Wayland, Massachusetts
Columbia, Missouri
Just and Equitable Transition Group
San Francisco, California
Just Community Energy Transition Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kansas Farmers Union
McPherson, Kansas
Kentucky Conservation Committee
Frankfort, Kentucky
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Kentucky Interfaith Power & Light
Kentucky Resources Council, Inc.
Frankfort, Kentucky
Labadie Environmental Organization (LEO)
Labadie, Missouri
Land Stewardship Project
LaPlaca and Associates LLC
Boone, North Carolina
Liberty Tree Foundation
Boston, Massachusetts
Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network
Lexington, Kentucky
Local Clean Energy Alliance
Mainers for Accountable Leadership
Scarborough, Maine
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Michigan Sustainable Business Forum
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Michigan United
Detroit, Michigan
Minnesota 100% Campaign
St. Paul, Minnesota
Minnesota Farmers Union
St. Paul, Minnesota
Mothers Out Front
Boston, Massachusetts
Mott Philanthropic
Everett, Massachusetts
Mountain Association
Berea, Kentucky
Mount Tabor Benedictines
Martin, Kentucky
National Family Farm Coalition
Washington DC
Native Movement
Fairbanks, Alaska
Native Sun Community Power Development
Minneapolis, Minnesota
NC Climate Justice Collective
Durham, North Carolina
NC Council of Churches
Raleigh, North Carolina
NC Interfaith Power & Light
Raleigh, North Carolina
NDN Collective
Rapid City, South Dakota
NextGen Co-op Alliance
Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Binghamton, New York
New Economy Coalition
Boston, Massachusetts
New Yorkers for Clean Power
Kingston, New York
North American Water Office
Lake Elmo, Minnesota
North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light
Raleigh, North Carolina
North Dakota Native Vote
Bismarck, North Dakota
North Range Concerned Citizens
Commerce City, Colorado
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
Providence, Rhode Island
Northern Alaska Environmental Center
Fairbanks, Alaska
Northern Plains Resource Council
Billings, Montana
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Takoma Park, Maryland
One Country Project
One Voice
Jackson, Mississippi
Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative
Richmond, California
Partners for Dignity & Rights
New York, New York
Partnership for Southern Equity
Atlanta, Georgia
Partnership for the Public Good
Buffalo, New York
Peace Development Fund
Amherst, Massachusetts
PeaceRoots Alliance
Summertown, Tennessee
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
People Demanding Action
Ruther Glen, Virginia
People Power Solar Cooperative
Oakland, California
People's Action
Post Growth Institute
Ashland, Oregon
Power Shift Network
Progress Michigan
Lansing, Michigan
PUSH Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
PVEC Member Voices
Sneedville, Tennessee
National / Takoma Park MD
Redwood Energy
Arcata, California
Reclaim Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Renewable Energy Alliance of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
Renew Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
RER Energy Group
Reading, Pennsylvania
Right To the City Alliance
New York, New York
Rise Up WV
West Virginia
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union
Denver, Colorado
Rural Climate Partnership
Washington DC
Rural Democracy Initiative
Washington DC
Rural Development Leadership Network
New York, New York
Columbus, Ohio
Rural Organizing Project
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Salish Sea Cooperative Finance
SEE-LA (Social Eco Education-LA)
South East Los Angeles/California
Sierra Club
Solar by Ecos
Louisville, Kentucky
Solar Commons Project
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Solar United Neighbors
Washington DC
Solstice Initiative
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Spirit of the Sun
Denver, Colorado
StraightUp Solar
St. Louis, Missouri
Sunnyside United Neighbors
Denver, Colorado
System Change not Climate Change
Texas Youth for Climate Action
Texas, State-wide
The Alaska Center
Anchorage, Alaska
Santa Rosa, California
The Democracy Collaborative
Washington DC
The Imani Group
Graniteville, South Carolina
The People's Justice Council
Birmingham, Alabama
The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society
Washington DC
Washington DC
Tó Nizhóní Ání
Dził Yíjiin, Navajo Nation
Transform Finance
New York, New York
Union of Concerned Scientists
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Vote Solar
Oakland, California
We Own It
Madison, Wisconsin
Western Clean Energy Campaign
Western Colorado Alliance
Western Organization of Resource Councils
Billings, Montana
Western Rural and Plains States Project
Boise, Idaho
Willmar Area Climate Action Group
Willmar, Minnesota
WindSolarUSA, Inc
Springfield, Illinois
Wisconsin Farmers Union
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin